Sunday, November 25, 2012


The girls agreed to a little photo shoot the other day!  I wanted to get pictures for our Christmas card and finally Samie had some free time.  Well we got ready and were about to head out when the sky started turning grey.  Then black!  As we headed to our location we could see rain in the distance and as we got closer we could see that it had rained where we were going.
Luckily the rain had gone ahead of us and the sky may have been cloudy but I could still get some good light.  These girls bring their own sunshine with them!
My sassy girls…
111212giving deuces close up edited
111212giving deuces edited

111212hands on chin edited

111212Sam sitting on rail Syd with goofy face edited
111212Samie head shot1 edited
111212Sydney hands near face edited
111212Sitting Syd kissing Samie edited
111212Samie whispering to Syd edited
111212shooting each other edited and with texture
111212Sydney head down with hat edited

111212Syd in chair photo looking down edited

111212Samie and Syd on bridge edited
111212Syd standing at door with hands at hips edited
111212walking away edited
I am so thankful for the blessing of getting to be their Mommy!! 
They are my sunshine, my joy and my heart!


Diane said...

WOW!!!! These photo's are GEORGEOUS Sandy!! I LOVE everything about them...the colors, the location and most of all your BEAUTIFUL girls!! The portraits are stunning!!! The girls looks so relaxed. You must be so proud of these photo's....well done my friend:)))))
God Bless,

Holly said...

Wow! These are just beautiful, my friend! You have a gift...although the perfect models don't hurt either. :-P

Monica M said...

What lovely young ladies!! Beautiful, and your photography is fab! I'm jealous of your talent!!
Love ya, friend!!! Monica

Jen said...

Hello just checking in haven't seen you post in awhile. Hope all is well!

Jennifer from